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The language?
Is mainly German, but a Jab, Side-/Frontkick remains the same...
However, the langue is the first step for integration, right? ;-)
But yes, we can...

Age at entry?
Is at least 18 years , on rare occasions 16. We think it makes sense for
a contact sport like Kick Boxing.

Trial session?
We recommend to visit the Wednesday training for the first time,
please see first the link "contact"

Training Material?
Flip-Flops (from changing room to the Dojo), towel for taking a shower,
long training pants, something to drink. Gloves are provided during
the first lessons.

Typical training procedure?
Warm up, power exercises, Stretching, Kick Boxing technical part,
Sparring, Stretching Part II or Cardio Training (90min.)
